I was blessed to attend, and graduate from, West Virginia Wesleyan College, where I met my lifetime partner, and the Mother of our children, at the 1964 ‘Freshman Mixer”.
We came back to our college home after eight years of work, law school, and the USAF JAG Corps, arriving July 4, 1976! WV Wesleyan is a great combination of modernity and tradition.
Until my recent post of a YouTube “short” of a simple tool to stretch out our backs and increase flexibility, which is above 525,000, the most active post I ever did was also based on “serendipity”.
It was the Presentation of our “Our Home Amond The Hills” by the WVWC Student Chorus and the Alumni Choir at the finale of the longtime choral director, Larry Parsons. It is now approaching 20,000 views.
The status of the song is not clear, as it is not our Alma Mater, but it is the “spirit” of WV Wesleyan College. It never fails to “bring a tear” to many of its listeners. So, I share it here.
Anyone hoping for a (relatively) safe and nurturing environment for themselves, children, or grandchildren, would do well to arrange a visit to the campus. Just let me know, and I’ll help facilitate it.
This song was not “officially” recorded by WVWV, so I held my phone firmly and tried to move it only slowly. I play if for myself as “therapy”.
I share it now because it captures to essence of this small liberal arts college, which nurtures its students and alumni throughout their lives.
I have loved this song since the first time I heard it back in 1971 or 1972 during my first year at WVWC. Thank you for sharing it. As you said, it never fails bring a tear. It also brings me peace and a smile.
That concert was excellent. It brought tears.